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HerpaGreens-How does staying up late affect your brain?

by fiona basil (2021-10-11)

Every morning is the same scene the alarm sounds, you grunt, you take refuge under your sheet waiting for time to stop. Sleep is an integral part of your life. Every morning the hard fight begins when trying to get out of bed. And well, in the end every minute of sleep counts. However, according to a study, this would be a sign of intelligence. This is good news and an argument to justify your regular delays in the morning.

The temptation to enjoy an additional ten minutes under the quilt is often very strong. Sometimes too much, but this is not necessarily a sign of laziness, on the contrary, it can be a test of your intelligence002E

People who don't get up in the morning are smarter, more creative and happier

Some people can jump out of bed in the morning a few seconds after the alarm goes off. Others don't. Well, those who do this would be "smarter." In fact, according to the results of a British study, people who know how to control when they sleep and wake up would show more intelligence.

All species of mammals (including humans) have a biological clock, a daily cycle called the circadian rhythm. Therefore, those who do not have problems getting up in the morning depend on this rhythm and follow it without difficulty, while others, who delay their awakening several times each day, would show much more creativity.

Forced awakening is a relatively new concept. In fact, until the last century, men and women naturally got up to go to work without the need for a loud, repetitive sound. Being able to physically ignore this urgent awakening to go back to sleep for ten minutes would be the sign of greater intelligence.

Listen to your body

According to the researchers, people who decide to sleep a little longer in the morning and wake up later are listening to their bodies. This is a particular characteristic of people who know how to present their own ambitions and who are not afraid to face their problems. As a result, people who say No to waking up in the morning would be more creative and independent.

The perfect bedtime

This study is correlated with recent research from the University of Southampton. According to this other study, where the sleep behavior of 1,229 people was examined, people who go to bed before 11 p.m. M. and get up after 8 a.m. M. would be more successful in their professional life and earn more money. So that seems like the perfect minute and time to go to bed.

Certainly getting a few more minutes in the morning can make you more creative. But be careful, it is not recommended to sleep too much. And it is not certain that this argument is sufficient for your employer to excuse your repeated delays.

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