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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2018-12-17)

Water that Phen24 Review contributes to wellness must be pure and enhanced. It must also contribute to a faster rate of hydration, contain negative ions, have higher solubility, contain specific beneficial trace elements like silica and be naturally antibacterial and antifungal, and should meet or exceed accepted water treatment standards. The way that nature enhances water - snow melting into a waterfall, gathering oxygen and negative ions as it rapidly plummets down the magnesium and silica rich mountainside, sliding over foliage that is filled with antioxidants, as it cascades into a pond below - is healthful water. Water like this, existing in the local environment of native populations contributes, it is believed, to life spans of well over 100 years. It is further thought that three factors contribute to this increased quality of life and longevity. The lower surface tension of the enhanced water, together with the elevated concentration of certain soluble minerals like silica and magnesium, along with the addition of naturally occurring reduced ions are believed to be the beneficial life prolonging elements of enhanced water.

Enhanced water increases hydration and assimilation rates, increases solubility, increases the stability of electrolytes, introduces specific and beneficial trace elements, and adds an antioxidant effect. In recent studies, enhanced water has been found to aid the body in fighting such conditions as arthritis, circulatory disorders, kidney disorders, and diabetes. Documented reports of similar effects on these and other health conditions responding to the benefits of enhanced water have demonstrated that improved health and performance can be gained from this kind of wellness intervention. Enhanced water's apparent ability, it is believed, to stabilize and balance electrolytes, resist the deposition of minerals, accelerate detoxification of waste byproducts and free radical production, may improve normal body functions to such an extent at the cellular level, that the aging process is slowed.

On average, 70% of the water we drink is consumed away from home. The best way to make sure that you have plenty of pure and enhanced water on hand to drink is to have your own personal water filtration and enhancement system with you at all times. This would make it convenient for you to get the benefit of the reduction of contaminants including offensive tastes, orders, chlorine, silt, sand and sediments, industrial volatile organic compounds, as well as the addition of enhanced water minerals which your body can use to its advantage. Fortunately there is a technology that is able to bring this service into reality for all of us today. Take advantage of it! And remember to move your body, eat well, supplement wisely, drink plenty of pure, enhanced water, and Take Back Your Life!