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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2018-12-22)

Fight or Blackwolf Review flight? Choose flight! Do not go to bed angry. The Bible teaches to "not let the sun go down on your wrath. Physical confrontations, or arguments can send stress levels skyrocketing. If you are unable to let go of your anger, your stress levels will stay activated, robbing you of precious sleep time.Don't escalate conflicts. It's easy to want to defend a point or get in the last word. But it's a lot more healthy to be silent, back away, apologize, and even forgive negative behavior directed at you. Once you're away from the fight, the stress can evaporate. Again, prayer and meditation can work wonders. It's a great way to calm your body and mind, let go of anger, clear your perspectives, and improve your mood. Even a short meditation session allows you to stop fixating on negative thoughts and focus on what needs to be done to solve a problem. Get counseling when you need it. When you are angry, your judgment may be clouded, and you might lack wisdom to make important decisions to resolve a conflict. A professional or a pastor/minister can provide crucial help and guidance when your anger or anxiety is too much for you to handle on your own.Confront your fears. Things that scare you become less scary if you face them head on. Write down the fear, then beneath it write several small steps you can take to actively conquer the fear. If necessary, involve someone else. You don't have to face fears alone.Write down the fear, then beneath it write several small steps you can take to actively conquer the fear. If necessary, involve someone else. You don't have to face fears alone.