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Medical Law and Litigation

Ames Dhai


Recent legislative changes, the Bill of Rights of the South African Constitution and increased knowledge and understanding of medical law and their rights in this regard by consumers of health care are some of the reasons for medical law becoming significantly more complex of late. In addition, advances in science and technology, while greatly welcome and to the patient’s benefit are not without associated increase in risks, hence, a variety of new legal grounds on which negligence claims can be based. It is imperative that medical practitioners update their knowledge of medical law, keep abreast of current changes and conduct their practice by employing high standards of ethical and technical skills. Doing so would assist in avoiding litigation which is always unsettling and the source of much preventable anxiety and stress.

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Ames Dhai, University of Witwatersrand

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South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 2009;2(2):38.

Article History

Date submitted: 2009-11-22
Date published: 2009-12-15

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