Neonatal circumcision - violation of children's rights or public health necessity?
This paper investigates the ethical, legal and public health considerations underlying an HIV prevention strategy that includes neonatal circumcision. It reviews the impact of the practice on the rights of children to bodily integrity, and explores whether proxy consent by a parent or guardian on behalf of a child is appropriate and justifiable on grounds of parental preference, religion, culture or public health policy. This is a complex debate and transcends routine classifications when exploring ethical dilemmas. The article concludes that the rights of neonates to bodily integrity should not be tampered with lightly, and that only a severe public health hazard such the HIV/AIDS pandemic may justify incursion into this constitutionally protected right.
Authors' affiliations
Y A Vawda, Law Faculty, UKZN
L N Maqutu, Law faculty, UKZN
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Date published: 2011-06-29
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