Reader Comments

Arctic Blast

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-04-27)

Remember the Dinka, Arctic Blast Review they started the tooth pulling practice as the only way available to solve the problem they were having at the time. If you got tetanus, you had lock jaw and if you couldn't be fed or watered you died. Times have changed, treatments and preventatives exist for tetanus, the Dinka no longer need to remove their children's front teeth but they still do. In some ways it is easier to stick with a solution that is familiar and used to work than to change. It is often the same with our personal beliefs which were once solutions to the problems of getting through life, if your belief is a problem to you it's worth thinking about it as a solution that has passed its sell by date. Part of the therapeutic endeavour is to identify and neutralise unhelpful beliefs and allow more choice where before there was none.If you are living from the beliefs: "you are no good", "you can't sing", "you'll never succeed in business", they will seem completely convincing, this is the just the way it is. You probably weren't born that way. No one's first words were "I'm not good enough", "I can't sing", "I'll never succeed in business" - you learned those ideas along the way.