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by gold stone (2019-04-17)

Alternate Sit-Ups - The wildfit Review last of the women ab workouts exercise we wanted to mention is actually very easy to do but the results are tremendous. This starts by lying on the floor on the back and then stretching the hands out above the head and legs stretched out straight. The torso would be raised off the floor slowly, using the right hand to touch the left extended foot, going back to the starting position. Again, the torso would be lifted off the floor but this time, the left hand would touch the extended right foot. We recommend that 15 repetitions be completed and three sets.Are you on track with your workouts but no matter how much you exercise you still feel like you are getting nowhere? It is unfortunate, but all too common. You can be training with weights, exercising daily or just working out a day or two a week; you're doing a lot of the right things trying to get fit and be healthy; but still not seeing the success and the results you expect. You've taken care of the big picture; you set your fitness goals, they are realistic and attainable, you are exercising consistently, you've made changes to your eating habits and you're working really hard... but you seem to be stuck. Keep up the hard work but start to focus on the small details of exercise and you'll be amazed at the improvement in your workouts!Details can be frustrating, especially in exercise; and may seem trivial, but they can actually keep you safe from injury and provide the maximum benefit possible for each exercise you perform!Start by focusing on the muscles you are working; be sure to know exactly what muscle(s) you are using during each exercise. That way you can use your mind to help focus on the muscle actually moving the weight. Make sure the movement is slow, deliberate & controlled and performed without the assistance of momentum or gravity. Finally during the extension keep your elbows and knees soft.Breathing is so important. During most exercises inhale when you are lifting and exhale when you are lowering. An easy way to remember this is to exhale on the hard part or when you are moving against gravity and inhale on the easy part or when you are moving with gravity. Keep your abdominals contracted. This is important for 2 reasons; first by keeping your abdominal muscles contacted you are protecting your lower back and secondly you are working your abdominal muscles with an isometric exercise.